"In Our World" relates to IIED's world of environment and development. It connects us with what's going on in both the real world and online worlds.
From the forests
- Indonesia must vote to protect its forests
- Forests can help make war or peace
- Study warns of possible REDD+ land grab
- Squeezed Kenyan poachers switch to al Shabaab charcoal racket
- Can military decentralisation tactics bring innovation to conservation?
Changing climate
- UN climate report authors answer 11 basic questions
- EU and Chinese leaders pledged to make "significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions"
- UN considers biennial climate summits after 2015 deal
- Think climate change has nothing to do with you? Think again
- Climate change = security risk: connecting the dots on the growing agenda
- Trees at risk, poverty pockets and the risk of tipping: five hidden stories about the impacts of climate change
Telling stories
- What is resilience? Six icons tell the story
- Medium confusion: the IPCC's approach to communicating uncertainty
- Eco euphemisms that confuse our understanding of environmental destruction
- British MPs criticise BBC over climate change reporting
- Two important visuals for new global migration data
- Podcast: 'geojournalism' movement breaks new ground
Food and farming
- China looks abroad for greener pastures
- 'Social engineering' or 'forced relocation' in Ethiopia's lowlands
- Africa’s first 'Islamic-compliant' livestock insurance pays herders for drought-related losses
- Climate change will 'lead to battles for food', says head of World Bank
- Will there be enough food? A more positive take on the IPCC WGII report
In the cities
- Map: Half of China's GDP comes from major cities
- Nepal's 'Mr Toilet' on a clean-up mission
- An urbanist's guide to the Mumbai slum of Dharavi
- Progress toward goal of US$1 trillion per year invested in clean energy?
- One million solar lamps now shining across Africa
- Exxon Mobil's report on "stranded assets": More needed.
- Water-energy nexus reaches crisis level in Asia– analysis
Ocean views
- Search for Flight MH370 reveals just how much trash is in the world's oceans.
- A shiny new site on ocean acidification
Sustaining development?
- £600m of UK aid fuelling corporate scramble for Africa, claim critics
- Trillions of dollars of public spending to be directed towards greening global markets
- Seven worst international aid ideas
- Zen master has advice for Google and other tech giants on being a force for good in the world
- Andrew Sheng takes aim at financing obstacles blocking the transition to a green economy
- Ten years after Lost Africa: a retrospective on indigenous issues
- How DFID learns. Or doesn't. Lessons for all development research players.
Mike Shanahan is IIED's press officer.
In Our World is a blog series. Each week it will publish links to top content about environment and development that we have seen online in the past week. You can subscribe by email here or via the RSS feed using this link.